Welcome to my first blog! There are so many topics I’d like to discuss with you over the coming months, but an obvious place to start seems to be what is reflexology? Reflexology, is a complementary therapy most people have heard of, but unless you have had it, probably don’t know exactly what it is, or how it works. Some think it’s just a foot massage, some a bit of a pamper treatment. Although it is a lovely treatment to receive, I’d like to discuss what it is, how it works and show that it is so much more than just another relaxing treatment (although it is very relaxing!).
Reflexology is a non-invasive complementary therapy, which works alongside conventional medical care to help the body to re-balance and begin its own healing process. Reflexology works on the principle that different areas of the feet, hands and ears, correspond to all the different areas of the body, including the internal organs and glands. It is a holistic therapy, which aims to bring balance to the whole body and mind.

So how does reflexology work?
By applying precise pressure, to these specific areas and points using the thumbs and fingers, a trained clinical reflexologist can help to identify areas of imbalance and create a bespoke treatment plan, tailored to the individual needs of the client. Pressure applied in a specific way, can help stimulate the nerves and blood flow to the corresponding area of the body and help to stimulate the body’s own healing processes, helping bring balance to the affected area of the body. Depending on what the client is looking for help with
Who could benefit from Reflexology?
The deep relaxation and improved sense of wellbeing can benefit anyone! but may be particularly beneficial to people who suffer from the many emotional, psychological and physical effects stress can cause such as:
· Affects on mood
· Sleep disorders
· Digestive problems such as IBS or constipation
· Headaches and migraines
· Muscular tension such as back, shoulder and neck pain
· Hormonal imbalances e.g PMS, endometriosis, painful or heavy periods
· Fertility problems
So if this has got you curious to find out a bit more about reflexology and experience the benefits for yourself, why not book and and try it!
Such a ridiculously powerful treatment! Karen treated me for heavy periods & crazy hormones, she helped me more in a couple of sessions than Western medicine has in 30 years!